

2019.09.22 第287回

(English is following Japanese.)
質問 「腹切りは、何のためにするのですか?」
HKRさんはいろいろな質問をされたそうです。きっと苦労されたことでしょう。ビジネス英語を学ぶためにイギリスに3か月の留学。4人のグループで毎日 ディスカッションし、週に2回ほどプレゼンテーションをします。日本語でも大変なのに英語です。時間がどれだけあっても足りなかったことでしょう。日本の歴史や文化をもっと勉強しておけば良かったと痛感されたのかな。好評だったのは、日本の巻き寿司作りの実演をしたこと。道具やノリなど材料は現地でみんな手に入るそうです。
「ハーイHER!こんにちは」と日本語であいさつしてくれます。それは日本のアニメで育った人もおられ、ドラゴンボール、ワンピースなど大人気。日本語であいさつするのが、かっこいいのかも。休日にはベルギーとオランダへ旅行や、ダイアナ妃のお墓参りにも行かれたそうです。ホームステイで 自分で料理も作られたとか。充実した生活でもっと長く居たかったけれどひとまず帰国されました。どんな感動とご苦労があったのか、私たちはワクワクして聞かせていただきました。


 担当 がっきい

It's a cool morning in the beginning of higan, the week centering
around the autumnal equinox. We are a group of thirteen.

HKR-san returned from studying abroad in UK and joined us.
Q: What is the purpose of 'Harakiri'?
    What period do you think is the most important in Japanese history?
How would you answer these questions if you were asked?
HKR-san received many questions regarding Japan during her stay.
She must have a hard time. She studied business English for
three months in UK, having group discussion with four members
in the class every day and presenting in turn two times in a week. 
It is difficult to do it in Japanese, still more in English.
It must be always running out of time. She seemed that she should
have studied more about Japanese history and culture. The most popular
thing with the classmates was making sushi. She said most of all the items
for making sushi could get at the local store.
Her classmates greeted her saying in Japanese, "Hi, HKR! Konnnichiwa."
Some of them were grew up with watching Japanese anime.
The popular ones are Dragon Ball, One-piece and so on.
They seem to think that saying something in Japanese is cool.
On her days off, she went to Belgium, Holland and visiting to Princess
Diana's grave. She cooked herself in at a homestay.
She wished to stay more longer, but she returned home for the time being.
We felt so happy to listen to her experience what she was moved and
what she had a hard time.

Those interested will go to watch a play to the Osu Engeijo, an entertainment hall
on Oct. 6. Orange Tanaka-san, joined us before,  will be on the stage.
I'm surprised to know MYZ-san likes the Rakugo, a one-person comedy show.
He brought the CD and casset tape of Rakugo and wanted to let us listen to
the human nature story by Sanyutei Enraku the fifth.

Written by Gaccky (Translation by O)

suu61171 at 11:10|PermalinkComments(2)


2019.9.15 第286回

(English is following Japanese.)












Today we are a group of 11.

The blowing wind is very nice.
I feel sunrise is getting late every day
and the season has been changing gradually.

10 members had breakfast together.

Y-san comes back from Kyusu for the first time in a while.
Welcome back!

I-san, who will challenge for 100 km in Oct., practiced to
walk from Hekinan to Toyohashi yesterday and got a
sunburn on his neck.
It is really a tough course,,, wish his best of luck to finish
the whole distance.

MZT-san talked us the art of sotry teller that "Rakugo" played
on the radio made him draw in and he stopped car to listen to it
when he was out of office for sales.
Especially, he was moved to tears by stories about human nature.

F-sensei also likes Rakugo.
He said "Punch line is the best! and you must see the way of act
 and facial expressions at the theater."

Now we are making plan to see the act of Orange-san,
who joined us previously,  at Osu in Oct. 

Another interesting world spreads!

Written & translation by O

suu61171 at 22:34|PermalinkComments(4)


2019.9.8 第285回

(English is following Japanese.)








Good morning. We are a group of 12 today.
Hot weather has been continuing and
there are many empty cans and plastic bottles dropped on the
road as usual.

At the review meeting, some members mentioned
a security officer for the bus stop had a plastic bag filled
with garbage. It was the first time for them to see.

I'm also impressed with a little act by someone who
are picking up garbage.

Having a breakfast, E-san from Holland explains the custom
of the catholic churches and we share the Japanese view
of religion. It is very interesting.

The hot weather will keep continuing, but I hope I can join
with full of energy next week with taking care of my health.

Written by M (Translation by O)

suu61171 at 10:33|PermalinkComments(1)


2019.9.1 第284回

(English is following Japanese.)





   担当 がっきい

We are a group of 8 this morning.
I feel fall in the air. It is still hot, but the heat is loosening
as compared to the summer of the flames.
O-san took a test of National Tour guide and would receive
the test result in Nov. This is a  qualification test to guide a
guest from overseas in English. It is requried to have
correct knowledge of Japanese historical site and deep
understanding of Japanese history.  It is sure thing to
explain and satisfy people from overseas. I'm really impressed
with O-san's challenging spirit.

TKS-san is learning "Yasugi-bushi," a famous "Dojou-sukui"
folk dance in Japan. I'm very surprised that woman is trying
to because I thought this funny dance was only for male.
She said she had a longing from a young age. The teacher of
the school is also female. This is a traditional folk dance in
Shimane prefecture and there are both male and female dance.
The book of "God is in the fifth grade of elementary school."
that Sumire-chan talks her memories when she was in her
mother's body before her birth is very popular. TKS san likes
and carries it with her because she are healed. She could
not talk on this book to her colleagues or friends, but she could
talk  to the member of Shinsengumi because she
felt a sense of peace that she made herself understood.

SMZ-san shared the lecture of Mr. Iwade, a coach of rugby
team of Teikyo University.
I don't know of any other people that SMZ-san's learning so
widely and putting into practice. I guess his high concentration
on learning is relying on what he could put it practice into his business.
The rugby club of Teikyo University wins champion for 9 years
in succsession in Japan.  The coach changes his instruction
for the first and the last teams.
It is difficult to win the game in succession  without improvements
because the other teams studied his team. Currently the upper
grade students clean up and take care for lower grade students.
It is far from old physical education style that the upper graders
give orders to lower graders. New team building seems to be the
experienced upper graders try to bring out the autonomy from
lower graders.

Written by Gaccky (Translation by O)

suu61171 at 14:40|PermalinkComments(3)